
The Vienna Pneumatic Post


Historic and Philatelic aspects The Plumbing Matters Lengthy appendices

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  • Note 2: Pages which are 'asides' to the main text are configured as 'spawning pages' - that is, they will open in a new window (or a new tab - which, and its size, are set by how your computer is configured not by here), which you close when you are finished with it.

Historic and Philatelic aspects

The Plumbing Matters

Lengthy appendices

Several of these are (or link to) rather large PDF files, because they are made available [on the invaluable "ALEX - the Laws of Austria" site] as page images of Fraktur, not as text. The sections-98 of some Postordnungs have been extracted for convenience. You may need to give your browser explicit permission to display them. Each will open in a separate window (or tab); when you're done with it close that window.